Inspired by Doing Your Whole Site with MT
on Brad Choate’s site, I started experimenting today with putting the
whole site into Movable Type. At first I thought it was
just a trial experiment but I’m hooked. I especially love how much
cleaner the entry for the links page now looks and I might actually be inspired to keep it up to date more now. (I’ve also integrated Choate’s MT-Textile which makes a big difference in keeping entries clean of HMTL garbage, and the semi-related SmartyPants which makes the site more typographically elegant with easy M‑dashes and curly quotes).
So here’s what I’m doing: there are three Movable Type blogs interacting with one another (not including this personal blog):
- One is the more-or-less standard one that is powering the main homepage blog of
- The second I call “NV:Static” which holds my static pages, much as Brad outlines. I put my desired URL path
into the Title field (i.e., “info/index”) and then put the page’s real
title into the Keywords field (i.e., “About”) and have
that give the data for the title field and the first headline of the
page. It might seem backwards to use Title for URL and then use Keywords for Title, but this means that when I’m in MT looking to edit a particular file, it will be the URL paths that are listed. - The third blog is my “NV:Design Elements.” This contains the block
of graphics on the top and left of every page. I know I’ll have to
redesign this all soon and I can do it from wherever. This blog outputs
to HTML. All the other pages on the site are PHP and its a simple include to pull the top and left bars into each PHP page.
Oh yes, I’m also thinking of incorporating guest blogs in the near
future and all of these elements should make that much easier.
Here’s another site to check out, about how someone integrated Movable Type into their church website using some interesting techniques.