Every eighteen months or so Friends Journal start brainstorming new themes and boil them down into a list. We’re now plotting out themes for the spring of 2024 and beyond. Part of this process is asking readers what they’d like to see us cover and if you follow FJ on Facebook, Twitter, or Mastodon, you’ve probably seen us asking there. But I would also like to hear from Quaker Ranter readers:
What topics would YOU like to see Friends Journal addressing in the future?

We’ve been running themed issues for over a decade now. Check out the list of themes since 2012 or look through the archives to reminiscence about past issues. There’s a good chance we’ve already covered the subject you’re interested in, but it might be a good time for us to take a new look or a fresh spin. Leave a comment here or email me at martin@friendsjournal.org with any ideas you have.
The history of Quakers in the US is always interesting. Short vignettes, interesting trivia, controversies, that sort of thing.
Thanks Jessica, I’ll add it to our list!