What does integrity mean in our family and spiritual lives? I’m leading on online retreat on Feb. 10 and 11th as part of the “Testimonies to Mercy” series. Learn more and sign up at Powell House’s website.

What does integrity mean in our family and spiritual lives? I’m leading on online retreat on Feb. 10 and 11th as part of the “Testimonies to Mercy” series. Learn more and sign up at Powell House’s website.
My apologies for the radio silence on this so-called daily site. A family vacation took my attention away from most things Quaker and getting caught up on back work is keeping it away a few days. I should be up to speed by the weekend.
During that time the domain registration for QuakerQuaker turned due. I must have missed the deluge of email that its domain registrar usually sends. I’ve paid the domain bill for another two years and it should be back up for everyone.
FGC’s Central Committee is meeting this weekend and wrote a letter of condolences to Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue, site of the recent shooting
We are deeply saddened by the brutal slaying and injuries to members of your community and the law enforcement officers who intervened in the attack on your congregation on Saturday.
That this violation occurred during your worship together is especially distressing to us. We stand united with all people of faith in praying for everyone affected.
You can read the full piece on Facebook
Friends Committee on National Legislation is also sharing their Principles for Gun Violence Prevention backgrounder, a document that I wish wasn’t newly relevant every other week.
San Antonio Quakers’ minute on child separations
Friends Meeting of San Antonio finds the policy of the present administration of separating children from their families at the border to be shameful and contrary to American values. Further, using the Gospel to claim that “God has ordained” such actions is appalling to us as a people of faith.
A few years ago Friends Journal ran an article on the border humanitarian crisis, co-written by one of San Antonio’s clerks, so we’ve added this weekend’s statement to the article for context.
Of Quakers and deep democracy – is it time to renew the Quaker Book? | openDemocracy
Quakers have a saying, that we ‘hold in the light’ those we are acting in solidarity with. This weekend we need those movements we’re part of to hold us in the light. Only when we are working on ourselves can we work with others.
I’ve enjoyed John Jeremiah Edminster’s comments over the years, which is one reason I was happen to get the submission that became The Cost of a Healing Gift. It starts with the story of having a gift of ministry recognized but what I like even more is that he talks about his journey exploring and developing it. What’s surprising is that is he’s far from a purist:
we went to weekend training workshops; we read the writings of Christian healers; shamanic healers; and practitioners of Reiki, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and homeopathy. I longed to be able to inspect people’s etheric and astral bodies, their chakras and marmas, with a diagnostician’s eye. So long as it involved no straying from Christ, I aspired to know how to mobilize healing virtues in plant spirits, minerals, colors, and sounds, and how to recognize “holy” places.
Some of this reminds me of the wonderful work of the eighteen-century Friend Samuel Bownas, whose book A Description of the Qualifications Necessary to a Gospel Minister is full of very useful advice on ministry and warnings about pitfalls — romantic attachments, undue politicization.
This weekend was the annual Lighthouse Challenge of New Jersey, a two-day celebration of shoreline sentinels during which every working lighthouse is open and staffed by volunteers. The truly committed drive hundreds of miles over the two days to visit the eleven lighthouses open to the public. Because of a scouting weekend for Theo, we just hit one on Saturday and three on Sunday. But these are the last four for our lighthouse-obsessed son Francis, who has been to the others over the course of the summer.
“Minding the Message” was the second speakers panel at the Quaker leadership conference hosted by Earlham School of Religion this weekend.
Four of us were asked to talk about our work in marketing our Quaker organizations. We represented a mix of organizations. In addition to myself representing Friends Journal, there was: Chris Hardie, founder of a Summersault LLC, a technology and web hosting business; Margaret Stark, director of marketing and admissions at Kendal at Oberlin, a continuing care retirement community “in the Quaker tradition”; and Tom Farquhar, head of of Washington, D.C.
Other recorded talks include plenary talks from Ian Joyce and Thom Jeavons, and the first speakers panel that included Norval Reece, Barry Crossno, Betty Tonsing, and Christina Repoley.