The Washington Post has a remarkably-wrong assertion by George W. Bush. The President says he decided to start the war after he gave Saddam Hussein “a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn’t let them in.”
Memo to Bush: Hussein did let them in (they were there when U.S. troop buildup started in the Mideast). Over the last few weeks the Bush Administration has had a lot of trouble keeping its alibis straight but now the President himself is just being out of touch with reality. (This is starting to feel like the glory days of the Reagan Administration.) He continues to bully reality out of the way, despite the exposure of forgeries and the non-discovery of weapons of mass destruction:
“I think the intelligence I get is darn good intelligence. And the speeches I have given were backed by good intelligence. And I am absolutely convinced today, like I was convinced when I gave the speeches, that Saddam Hussein developed a program of weapons of mass destruction, and that our country made the right decision.”