Spontaneous trip to Longwood Gardens

September 22, 2007

Spontaneous trip to Longwood Gardens
Last week we left Julie’s church to find a beau­ti­ful late Sum­mer after­noon so we took an unplanned road trip over to Penn­syl­va­ni­a’s Long­wood Gar­dens. It’s not par­tic­u­lar­ly close but it’s beau­ti­ful and its car-free acreage makes it very kid-friendly so we have mem­ber­ships there (thanks to Mar­t­in’s Mom these last two years!). Below: scenes from Long­wood’s Fall mod­el train exhib­it, orchid room and waterfall.

Longwood Gardens trip Longwood Gardens trip Spontaneous trip to Longwood Gardens

Cayahoga Valley Railroad trip, Akron to Peninsula Ohio

August 29, 2007

Our our way out of Ohio the oth­er week we took a scenic train ride. Kind of fun­ny that the engines and cars both resem­ble cur­rent NJ Tran­sit stock but hey, trains are always fun. A driz­zly day made the two-hour lay­over in the historic-gone-touristy town of Penin­su­la, Ohio rather unpleas­ant (mat­ters weren’t helped that the shoppes were most­ly closed). We final­ly ducked into the love­ly Fish­ers Cafe and had a nice lunch.
Pho­to: Loco­mo­tives sit wait­ing in the Penin­su­la sta­tion. Enlarged pho­to.