Summer project: making Goop!

June 24, 2013

From 1,444 Fun Things to Do with Kids comes goop. Start with 8 ounces of white glue, food col­or­ing, water, and borax.

Com­bine glue, three-fourths cup water, and food col­or­ing in one bowl. In anoth­er bowl, mix one-fourth cup water with one table­spoon Borax, and add this to the first bowl, stir­ring until it forms a Goop ball. Remove the ball. Again com­bine one-fourth cup water with one table­spoon Borax and mix it into the glue mix­ture, stir­ring until anoth­er Goop ball forms. Keep repeat­ing the process until the glue mix­ture is gone. Then knead all the Goop balls togeth­er. Now you’re ready to play by pulling and pat­ting the Goop into strings and unique forms. Store the Goop in an air­tight container.

We only real­ly man­aged one-round of Goop (see video). We also could­n’t find any food col­or­ing on-hand and so made white Goop.

Michael Kinsley: Did it matter if Iraq didn’t have WMD?

June 20, 2003

By now, WMD have tak­en on a myth­ic role in which fact does­n’t play much of a part. The phrase itself – ‘weapons of mass destruc­tion’ – is more like an incan­ta­tion than a descrip­tion of any­thing in particular.”

Here’s a nos­tal­gic list­ing of Bush Admin­is­tra­tion quotes assur­ing us WMDs exist­ed. (Thanks toStuffed­Dog for the link)

Anna Maria’s Advice to Lovers

December 20, 1996

Anna Maria and the Romance Round­table

We live in an age of con­fus­ing sex­u­al­i­ties and unclear gen­der lines, an age in which pro­to­cols for woo­ing beloveds have been tossed to the wind in a mad rush for some imag­ined “sex­u­al lib­er­a­tion.” Remind­ing us that romance is not dead, and that chival­ry is more fash­ion­able than ever is Anna Maria and her Romance Roundtable.

Only Date Peo­ple Who…

…have a kines­thet­ic sen­si­bil­i­ty (AM)
…appre­ci­ate the won­ders of dic­tio­nar­ies (J)
…are com­fort­able talk­ing about sex (K)
…like din­ers with “To Sir with Love” play­ing (J)
…are com­fort­able break­ing out into spon­ta­neous song (M)
…like to play the veg­etable game (“Moomer­ry, mel­ery, babaya”) (M & J)
…likes eye con­tact (K)
…are straight-edgers (AM)
…need to prac­tice their mas­sage lessons (Mary R)
…like to cook (MR)
…who can accom­pa­ny, or even bet­ter, join my coop house­’s stream of puns (MR)
…enchants my house­mates (MR)
…get along with house­mates (B)
…have a library card (B)
…live in your zip code (M)
…bring you break­fast in bed (B)
…use con­doms (B)
…share your gait while walk­ing (B)
…you pick up on the Cleve­land bus sys­tem (T) (go figure)


And remem­ber a few more rules…

Try not to be too judge­men­tal (J)
Crush­es are almost 90% mutu­al (M)
Be picky (AM)

Do you have more to add? Won­der­ful. Please send mail to the Anna Maria Advice to Lovers Home­page. Spe­cial thanks to John­ny “unhung and that’s okay with us” Depp for inspi­ra­tion for this page.

Cir­ca 1996. Recov­ered via Archive​.org