I didn’t know of Adrian Martinez before I was introduced to him in this QuakerSpeak video. He seems like quite a character (“art attack!”) but I’m intrigued at how his paintings have brought primal Quaker values into unexpected spaces like the White House (not the occupant you might guess!) and corporate America. His story of a very specifically Quaker picture being bought for a boardroom hints at messages Friends might still have for the world:
The painting I did, Meeting for Worship, I just knew was not something that was going to get sold. It was not an economic decision. It was a necessity to do, nonetheless. When I did it, I had this big show and it was immediately purchased. First one. And it’s interesting: where it went went was the boardroom of an insurance agency. The man that owned the company bought the painting because he said, “The reason I need this painting, and I need it in the boardroom, is because we need more of that in our business.”