An Open Letter To David Byrne from Radio Paradise

February 2, 2016

Radio Par­adise is one of my go-to online radio sta­tions. Much of my music dis­cov­ery in the last five years has come from its thought­ful and eclec­tic feed. The music scene in this coun­try would be tru­ly impov­er­ished if these small niche sta­tions were shut down because of unsus­tain­able licens­ing charges. Appar­ent­ly David Bryne is one of the peo­ple who decides these things. Let’s hope he sup­ports musi­cal diver­si­ty and quirkiness.

An Open Let­ter To David Byrne – RAIN News

Cirque in A.C.

September 4, 2012

This past week­end we saw Cirque du Soleil’s tour­ing show Dralion at Atlantic City’s his­toric Board­walk Hall.

I think this was fourth Cirque per­for­mance I’ve seen (though third show, as I’ve seen Walt Dis­ney World’s twice), and it had all the Cirque trade­marks I’ve come to expect. There’s the hal­lu­cino­genic sto­ry­line, East meets West via acro­bats, giant pup­pets, dream crea­tures and clowns you would­n’t want to meet on the prover­bial dark alley. Per­haps care­ful study of the tour guide and/or repeat­ed view­ings would make this clear­er, but I’m con­tent that the tale is a con­ve­nient inspi­ra­tion for per­for­mances and costumes.

I absolute­ly love Cirque’s instance on hav­ing the music per­formed live, as well as the way they have per­form­ers roll on and off the props. Cirque start­ed off as a street show in Que­bec and there’s a lot of that diy anar­chic spir­it that has held on despite the million-dollar revenues.

The tour­ing shows have sim­ple setups that can fit side­ways into stan­dard bas­ket­ball audi­to­ri­ums. It works, but it’s noth­ing like the cus­tom spaces, like the one in Walt Dis­ney World. Still, out was nice to have a local taste of Cirque that fit the bud­get of a spe­cial date (this show dou­bled as our eleventh wed­ding anniversary).

Leav­ing the show we fol­lowed the temp­ta­tion to walk the board­walk, to utter dis­ap­point­ment. Atlantic City’s ocean­front is dom­i­nat­ed by block-long casi­no entrances that long ago replaced the array of small shops you see else­where. Artistry is com­plete­ly absent, with Cirque’s live music in stark con­trast to the over­pow­ered sound sys­tems throw­ing gener­ic dance music out from the edges of the walk. After a block we turned around and head­ed inland to Absec­on’s Mount Fuji for a post-show din­ner. Poor Atlantic City.

Here’s the trail­er for Cirque’s Dralion:

Pete Seeger gets YouTubed

February 12, 2007

pete seeger album coverThis morn­ing I’m work­ing on the “Pete Seeger”: sec­tion of Quak​er​song​.org, the web­site of Annie Pater­son and Peter Blood (I’m their web­mas­ter). Parts of their site are amaz­ing – the “Quak­ers and Music”: page has become a direc­to­ry of sorts for all the many Quak­er musi­cians out there (who knew there were so many!). But the Pete Seeger is still most­ly a col­lec­tion of CDs that Peter & Annie have for sale.
So I was won­der­ing what a good Pete Seeger page might look like and start­ing surf­ing around. There’s a great “fan page”: which is reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed but has brave­ly decid­ed to main­tain its orig­i­nal design since it was found­ed eleven years ago. And “Wikipedia”: does its usu­al fine job at a biog­ra­phy. But the “gold mine is YouTube”:
A year ago a user uploaded three clips from _Rainbow Quest_, a short-lived TV pro­gram Pete put togeth­er for a low-wattage UHF sta­tion out of Newark in the mid-60s (it’s now a Tele­mu­n­do affil­i­ate broad­cast­ing recy­cled Mex­i­can soaps for its prime time sched­ule). I don’t know what kind of copy­right issues there are on some­thing like this but it’s great fun to see these old clips. Mak­ing this mate­r­i­al wide­ly avail­able is one of the joys of YouTube (well, that and watch­ing “recap­tur­ing the inno­cence of our over-commercialized youth”: I’ll leave you with this, a clip of Pete singing with June Carter and John­ny “I’m soooo stoooned” Cash a few years before they married.