Letter of condolence from Friends General Conference

October 29, 2018

FGC’s Cen­tral Com­mit­tee is meet­ing this week­end and wrote a let­ter of con­do­lences to Pitts­burgh’s Tree of Life Syn­a­gogue, site of the recent shooting

We are deeply sad­dened by the bru­tal slay­ing and injuries to mem­bers of your com­mu­ni­ty and the law enforce­ment offi­cers who inter­vened in the attack on your con­gre­ga­tion on Saturday.
That this vio­la­tion occurred dur­ing your wor­ship togeth­er is espe­cial­ly dis­tress­ing to us. We stand unit­ed with all peo­ple of faith in pray­ing for every­one affected. 

You can read the full piece on Facebook

Friends Com­mit­tee on Nation­al Leg­is­la­tion is also shar­ing their Prin­ci­ples for Gun Vio­lence Pre­ven­tion back­grounder, a doc­u­ment that I wish was­n’t new­ly rel­e­vant every oth­er week.

A view of the Wilmington YM schism from the rising clerk

August 5, 2018

From JP Lund:

The Wilm­ing­ton Year­ly Meet­ing that emerges will be small­er.  It will still be diverse, includ­ing a range of views on same gen­der mar­riage and Bib­li­cal author­i­ty.  It will con­sist of meet­ings that have cho­sen Chris­t­ian fel­low­ship over dog­ma, the Gospel of Love over the let­ter of the law.

Wilm­ing­ton Year­ly Meet­ing 2018: The Schism Begins Anew

Shifting permanence

February 13, 2009

Try­ing to catch up on the read­ing on the One Year Bible plan: I’m
two days behind. That’s a point where it’s easy enough to catch up but
anoth­er day or so becomes hard to catch up. The whole point of this for
me is not to read the Bible in bursts or even to get through the whole
thing in a year, but to devel­op the lifestyle habit of dai­ly scripture

I’m in Exo­dus 30 now and the Lord is giv­ing Moses a list
of very spe­cif­ic laws. In 30:17, he spec­i­fies how Aaron and the
priest­ly caste must wash their feet every­time they come into the
Taber­na­cle and gives the what else: “or they will die!” Then God makes
the law firm: “This is a per­ma­nent law for Aaron and his descendants,
to be observed from gen­er­a­tion to generation.”

I’m read­ing a spe­cial One Year Bible,
where all of the dai­ly read­ings are grouped togeth­er. There’s not too
much com­men­tary and I tend to skip it but the edi­tors did feel the need
to address the laws of the Old Tes­ta­ment head on and asked in one
side­bar “Do we need to fol­low these laws today?” The answer was yes and
no: “The moral law is still to be fol­lowed… The cer­e­mo­ni­al laws no
longer need to be fol­lowed because of the final sac­ri­fice for since has
been made by Jesus.”

God very clear­ly says in Exo­dus that the
laws he’s giv­ing are per­ma­nent. I don’t real­ly read much wig­gle room in
there. Priests need to wash their feet… and kill a cer­tain num­ber of
lamb every year… and splat­ter the sac­ri­fi­cial blood around the alter a certain
way and… I know Jesus is the new law, etc., but still it’s kind of
fun­ny how literal-interpretation Chris­tians will shrug off a direct and
per­ma­nent order from God. It seems obvi­ous that the religious
tra­di­tions in the Bible dif­fer great­ly, as do the mod­ern lens we bring
to them and the two cen­turies of shift­ing Chris­t­ian prac­tices we’ve
brought to them.

Does any­one hap­pen to know if there’s any reli­gious group still try­ing to fol­low the details of the Mosa­ic Law? I won­der close do cer­tain Ortho­dox Jew­ish groups get?

Kindley Law

November 10, 2008

John Kind­ley is a lawyer in a solo prac­tice in South Bend, Indi­ana. He came to me want­i­ng a web design make-over for his self-designed Word­Press site, along with some SEO advice and help with a form. John’s a bit of a tin­ker­er so he’s already moved on to a new design!

Vis­it: Kind­ley Law in South Bend Indiana

Client Testimonial:

“Mar­tin pro­vid­ed great val­ue in design­ing a web­site for my law
. He was acces­si­ble and facil­i­tat­ed the process, despite our
geo­graph­i­cal dis­tance, through email and tele­phone con­sul­ta­tions. He
was flex­i­ble in work­ing with me to achieve what I was look­ing for
with­in my bud­get.” May 1, 2009

John Kind­ley, Lawyer.
Hired Mar­tin as a Graphic/Web Design­er in 2008
Top qual­i­ties: Per­son­able, Good Val­ue, High Integrity