Maple sugaring at Howell Living History Farm

February 25, 2016

photo_25126572241_oYes­ter­day the fam­i­ly trav­eled north of Tren­ton to a liv­ing his­to­ry farm to learn about maple sugaring.The kids col­lect­ed buck­ets of sap, prac­ticed drilling a tap, watched the boil­ing off process in a “sug­ar shack,” cut fire­wood, and then — yes! — ate some pan­cakes with farm-made maple syrup.

Reg­u­lar read­ers might remem­ber a trip to How­ell Farm last Feb­ru­ary, when the weath­er was cold enough for ice har­vest­ing on the lake.

Yes­ter­day’s vis­it was a mud­dy, sog­gy day and the lake was clear. But I think every­one had just as much fun. See more pics on our Flickr set:

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Francis turns two

August 29, 2007

Mar­tin and Theo cel­e­brat­ed Fran­cis’s sec­ond birth­day with an after­noon out­ing to fav spot Bat­sto Lake. 

Francis turns two Francis turns two Francis turns two

Pho­tos: Fran­cis laughs by the lake, Theo mak­ing rip­ples, group shot, video speech.