Housekeeping on Non​vi​o​lence​.org

December 17, 2003

We are mak­ing some big behind-the-scene changes at Non​vi​o​lence​.org over the next few days. There will almost cer­tain­ly be fea­tures of our site that are affect­ed. We apol­o­gize in advance for dis­rup­tions and hope that the changes will be worth­while. If you’d like to help us build the new fea­tures we have planned, “please con­sid­er mak­ing a dona­tion today” Thanks!

Google can’t be wrong

December 7, 2003

I usu­al­ly think cyber-pranks are just sil­ly. But I have to laugh at this one: Enough blog­gers have linked to Pres­i­dent Bush’s offi­cial bio with the words “mis­er­able fail­ure” that if you now type that phrase into Google our Pres­i­dent comes up as the very first return. More on this “Google­bomb” from this News­day arti­cle. And just to help the results along, I’ll con­cur that I think he’s a mis­er­able fail­ure.

Shameless fundraising plug

July 2, 2003

I’ve run up a lot of Non​vi​o​lence​.Org expens­es over Iraq War II – the flood of vis­i­tors have eat­en up the band­width. Help keep the site going by buy­ing a fundrais­ing t‑shirt, only $22 while sup­plies last!