Poking pigs?

February 6, 2019

Bucks Coun­ty, Pa., Friend Nor­val Reece has a piece on fake and real news, with a great line from his mother:

Polls and ana­lysts con­firm a grow­ing trend for peo­ple to tune in almost exclu­sive­ly to those news sources which rein­force their own opin­ions and con­demn the oth­ers — regard­less of qual­i­ty, the use of facts, opin­ion, bias, and mis­in­for­ma­tion. Experts call this “source bias.” My straight-talking Quak­er moth­er referred to it as “peo­ple try­ing to sell you a pig in a poke” — peo­ple try­ing to con­vince you of a point of view by giv­ing you lim­it­ed or false infor­ma­tion, try­ing to sell you a pig in a bag when you can’t see it or exam­ine it. Com­mu­nist coun­tries and dic­ta­tor­ships are mas­ters at this. 
