What is your Quaker meeting’s story?

August 16, 2024

I had a great video inter­view with Mike Huber on gam­ing and fun and com­mu­ni­ty (I even got to bust out nine­teenth cen­tu­ry Books of Dis­ci­pline to high­light past Quak­ers’ dis­trust of “gam­ing and diver­sions”). He has an arti­cle in the cur­rent FJ on Dun­geons & Drag­ons and how his long­time play of it has shaped how he sees his Quak­er communities.

One take­away of our talk was the idea of a Quak­er com­mu­ni­ty as a kind of sto­ry­telling place. Do we have sto­ries of who we are? Our they are sto­ries or sto­ries inher­it­ed from pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tions? Do we rec­og­nize our sto­ry arcs — the shifts, some­times obvi­ous and some­times grad­ual — that change our character.

Mike point­ed out that pas­tored meet­ings have rather obvi­ous moments to stop and reflect on who we are and what we’re becom­ing, as a change in pas­tors requires an assess­ment as a new call for a pas­tor starts. In unpro­grammed meet­ings, cer­tain­ly gen­er­a­tional changes cre­ates sto­ry arcs, though per­haps not as consciously.

What is you meet­ing or church’s story?

Read the video’s show notes here.

UK Quakers will not profit from the occupation of Palestine

November 20, 2018

British Friends become first church in UK to pull invest­ments in com­pa­nies prof­it­ing from the occu­pa­tion of Pales­tine. From record­ing clerk Paul Parker:

As Quak­ers, we seek to live out our faith through every­day actions, includ­ing the choic­es we make about where to put our mon­ey. We believe strong­ly in the pow­er of legit­i­mate, non­vi­o­lent, demo­c­ra­t­ic tools such as moral­ly respon­si­ble invest­ment to realise pos­i­tive change in the world. We want to make sure our mon­ey and ener­gies are instead put into places which sup­port our com­mit­ments to peace, equal­i­ty and justice. 

As you’d might expect, there’s been back­lash. The Board of Deputies of British Jews has con­demned Britain Year­ly Meet­ing’s deci­sion as a “biased and petu­lant act.”.

Bathrooms as hospitality ministry

July 31, 2018

Macken­zie Mor­gan reminds us that some kinds of hos­pi­tal­i­ty begin in our church bathrooms:

Now imag­ine a par­ent with a scream­ing baby sud­den­ly real­iz­ing they for­got the dia­per bag at home. Imag­ine it’s their first time at your meet­ing. Many peo­ple are self-conscious about their baby cry­ing, espe­cial­ly with unpro­grammed worship.

Bath­rooms as hos­pi­tal­i­ty ministry

Spirit-Led Evangelism

June 1, 2018

Spirit-Led Evan­ge­lism

Adria Gulizia guest post­ing on Johan Mau­r­er’s blog: It is hard to talk about God, Jesus and the spir­i­tu­al life in this moment in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. Many of our non-Christian neigh­bors find the lit­tle they know about Jesus to be attrac­tive or intrigu­ing, but they know enough about the fail­ings of the church to have very neg­a­tive opin­ions about actu­al Chris­tians. If we do have non-Christian friends, it may be despite our Chris­t­ian faith rather than because of it — we may be seen as the excep­tion that proves the rule.


Spirit-Led Evangelism

June 1, 2018

Spirit-Led Evan­ge­lism

Adria Gulizia guest post­ing on Johan Mau­r­er’s blog: It is hard to talk about God, Jesus and the spir­i­tu­al life in this moment in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. Many of our non-Christian neigh­bors find the lit­tle they know about Jesus to be attrac­tive or intrigu­ing, but they know enough about the fail­ings of the church to have very neg­a­tive opin­ions about actu­al Chris­tians. If we do have non-Christian friends, it may be despite our Chris­t­ian faith rather than because of it — we may be seen as the excep­tion that proves the rule.


Spirit-Led Evangelism

June 1, 2018

Spirit-Led Evan­ge­lism

Adria Gulizia guest post­ing on Johan Mau­r­er’s blog: It is hard to talk about God, Jesus and the spir­i­tu­al life in this moment in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. Many of our non-Christian neigh­bors find the lit­tle they know about Jesus to be attrac­tive or intrigu­ing, but they know enough about the fail­ings of the church to have very neg­a­tive opin­ions about actu­al Chris­tians. If we do have non-Christian friends, it may be despite our Chris­t­ian faith rather than because of it — we may be seen as the excep­tion that proves the rule.


Spirit-Led Evangelism

June 1, 2018

Spirit-Led Evan­ge­lism

Adria Gulizia guest post­ing on Johan Mau­r­er’s blog: It is hard to talk about God, Jesus and the spir­i­tu­al life in this moment in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. Many of our non-Christian neigh­bors find the lit­tle they know about Jesus to be attrac­tive or intrigu­ing, but they know enough about the fail­ings of the church to have very neg­a­tive opin­ions about actu­al Chris­tians. If we do have non-Christian friends, it may be despite our Chris­t­ian faith rather than because of it — we may be seen as the excep­tion that proves the rule.


Spirit-Led Evangelism

June 1, 2018

Spirit-Led Evan­ge­lism

Adria Gulizia guest post­ing on Johan Mau­r­er’s blog: It is hard to talk about God, Jesus and the spir­i­tu­al life in this moment in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. Many of our non-Christian neigh­bors find the lit­tle they know about Jesus to be attrac­tive or intrigu­ing, but they know enough about the fail­ings of the church to have very neg­a­tive opin­ions about actu­al Chris­tians. If we do have non-Christian friends, it may be despite our Chris­t­ian faith rather than because of it — we may be seen as the excep­tion that proves the rule.
