An Open Letter To David Byrne from Radio Paradise

February 2, 2016

Radio Par­adise is one of my go-to online radio sta­tions. Much of my music dis­cov­ery in the last five years has come from its thought­ful and eclec­tic feed. The music scene in this coun­try would be tru­ly impov­er­ished if these small niche sta­tions were shut down because of unsus­tain­able licens­ing charges. Appar­ent­ly David Bryne is one of the peo­ple who decides these things. Let’s hope he sup­ports musi­cal diver­si­ty and quirkiness.

An Open Let­ter To David Byrne – RAIN News

Independent Net Publishing Gets Easy Again

June 17, 2004

An update on my post about “online mag­a­zines and the new Mov­able­type charges”:… The folks at MT have “lis­tened to all the feed­back and imple­ment­ed new policies” which are much more sen­si­tive to the needs (and resources) of small non­prof­it and com­mu­ni­ty groups. It’s real­ly good news for all the inde­pen­dent pub­lish­ing hap­pen­ing via blogs. Look for my “pow­ered by” sym­bol to change to the new 3.0 ver­sion as soon as I install it.

U.S. throwing out Al Qaeda trial

September 26, 2003

Updat­ing a sto­ry we brought you back in July , the U.S. Jus­tice Depart­ment wants to drop the charges against the only per­son charged in an Amer­i­can court over the Sep­tem­ber 11 attacks two years ago. The Jus­tice Depart­ment doesn’t want to allow Zacarias Mous­saoui or his defense team to inter­view oth­er sus­pect­ed terrorists.

What does Mous­saoui know? What do his poten­tial defense wit­ness­es know? And why doesn’t U.S. Attor­ney Gen­er­al John Ashcroft want these peo­ple to speak in an open tri­al? Mous­saoui has admit­ted being a mem­ber of Al Qae­da but any infor­ma­tion he or his wit­ness­es know is at least two years old. Why is a tri­al so wor­ri­some that the U.S. would throw away a tri­al over it?