Giuseppe Beppe: Il podcast della famiglia

February 24, 2006

Sor­ry for the qui­et on the blog front. I’ve been busy, busy. My Sec­ond Month has seen an FGC com­mit­tee meet­ing in Greens­boro, the “Food for Fire” Pow­ell House week­end and a dead­line for the Gath­er­ing Advance Pro­gram. I’m sure I’ll be more talk­a­tive soon, promise promise.

In the mean­time, I’m online in anoth­er realm. Mia Con­siglieri Joe G inter­viewed me for Beppe­pod­cast #24: “Mar­tin Kel­ley, Quak­er Blog Father”: (“sub­scrip­tion here”: Molto buon, il mio figlio. Bel­lo! Bello!