Responsible Journalism and the Flim-Flam Show of Insider Loudmouths

Bill Moy­ers, a recently-ousted PBS jour­nal­ist and the elder states­man of respon­si­ble jour­nal­ism “recent­ly gave a great speech on media trends”:
bq. One rea­son I’m in hot water is because my col­leagues and I at “NOW” did­n’t play by the con­ven­tion­al rules of Belt­way jour­nal­ism. Those rules divide the world into democ­rats and repub­li­cans, lib­er­als and con­ser­v­a­tives and allow jour­nal­ists to pre­tend they have done their job if, instead of report­ing the truth behind the news, they mere­ly give each side an oppor­tu­ni­ty to spin the news.
(Thanks to “Beppe”: for the link.)