Religious Peace Left: Puny, Aged & Marginalized?

Jour­nal­ist Mark I. Pin­sky talks about the “state of the reli­gious left” :
bq. Left-wing reli­gious efforts at polit­i­cal mobi­liza­tion — where they exist — seem puny, aged and mar­gin­al­ized. After decades of rid­ing pop­u­lar social move­ments such as civ­il rights, the left splin­tered and now seems unable to regroup. Con­verse­ly, the GOP has co-opted the sup­port of reli­gious vot­ers by focus­ing their atten­tion on cul­tur­al and lifestyle issues — such as gay marriage.
Arti­cle found from a link on “The Right Christians”: site, which has more com­men­tary on the sub­ject and a pro­pos­al to mim­ic the Dean Cam­paign inter­net orga­niz­ing to rebuild a pro­gres­sive Chris­t­ian left.