Quaker Blog Watch by email

It start­ed when I began book­mark­ing the more inter­est­ing Quak­er posts I ran across over the course of the day. That turned into the side­bar on the “Quak­er Ranter”:/martin home­page, which then turned into the “Quak­er Blog Watch”:/quaker page. Now, as an exper­i­ment, I’m mak­ing it avail­able as a dai­ly email:

Enter your Email: 

More info here: “Quak­er Blog Watch by email”:http://www.nonviolence.org/quaker/email/
I do rec­og­nize that this site has mut­li­ple fan bases. While I was on pater­ni­ty leave a col­league emailed me to ask when I would post more pic­tures of Baby Fran­cis. I looked and saw that it had only been ten hours since I had uploaded the last pic­ture to my Flickr account. Aaayy­ee!, the dan­ger of increas­ing expec­ta­tions! Well, you can now get a dai­ly email con­tain­ing any new pic­tures of “Baby Francis”:/francis or “Big Kid Theo”:/theo: go to either of their home­pages for the sign-up form (they share one sub­scrip­tion). One small step in self-indulgent par­ent­hood, ain’t tech­nol­o­gy great?

7 thoughts on “Quaker Blog Watch by email

  1. I signed up received it. It came into Yahoo mail at first as Spam and I had to redi­rect it, but I have had 2 alerts in the past week or so and dis­cov­ered sev­er­al Friend’s blogs which I did not know exist­ed from oth­er search­es. If your e‑mail provider has a spam block­er, it may be block­ing it.

  2. Hey Robin,
    Are you sure you signed up. I don’t see an obvi­ous email in the sub­scribers list, though one is anony­mous and could be you, I suppose.…

  3. Well, I’ve got­ten it twice in the last week so I know I’m signed up, but I’m not get­ting it daily.
    It does­n’t appear to be in the spam fil­ter. I don’t know what’s wrong.

  4. Hi Mar­tin, just want­ed to let you know I just launched a blog, in case you’d like to add it to the mix…

  5. Hi Mar­tin,
    Just read your your arti­cleOn “We’re All Ranters Now: On Lib­er­al Friends and Becom­ing a Soci­ety of Finders”.
    I am becom­ing more sacra­men­tal and incar­na­tion­al rather than verbal/mental.
    The cor­po­rate wor­ship of Friends I believe trans­forms us from a crowd of peo­ple into a fam­i­ly of faith; from sep­a­rate indi­vid­u­als into sis­ters and broth­ers, from a wan­der­ing mass of peo­ple into the Peo­ple of God.
    I love these words from the Roman Mass,
    In this great sacra­ment you feed your peo­ple and strength­en them in holiness,
    so that the human fam­i­ly may come to walk in the light of one faith,
    in one com­mu­nion of love. We come then to this won­der­ful sacra­ment to be fed at your table and grow into the like­ness of the risen Christ.
    The great­est mys­tery of the Chris­t­ian faith/Quakerism is that God comes to us which is a more sacra­men­tal approach to faith then the indi­vid­u­al­ism of Protestantism.
    God not me is trans­form­ing, White Quak­ers, Chris­tians Quakers,Universalist Quakers,Quakers of Color,into the pres­ence of God’s child the Eter­nal Spir­it of the liv­ing Christ .
    This sacra­men­tal approach to faith, which has its roots in my Swedish Luther­an her­itage has help me to val­ue diver­si­ty among Friends.
    Because it is God not me who is at work in the diversity .….….….….
    Yes, God calls us some­times to par­tic­i­pate in the work of trans­for­ma­tion of God’s people
    but at the end of day we need to remem­ber this is God’s work not are work.…

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