Quaker Spring 2022

My friend Peter Blood asked me to get out infor­ma­tion on this year’s Quak­er Spring gath­er­ing, in Pough­keep­sie, N.Y., and online, at the end of June:

Are you famil­iar with Quak­er Spring? It’s an unusu­al gath­er­ing — open-hearted, min­i­mal advance pro­gram­ming. A jour­ney each time we gath­er. It would be won­der­ful if some of you are able & led to join us in per­son but we know it is a long way.  But, of course, it would also be won­der­ful to see some of you via Zoom!
In God’s lov­ing care,
for the Quak­er Spring Plan­ning Group

More infor­ma­tion at: quak​er​spring​.org/​2​0​2​2​-​g​a​t​h​e​r​ing

Posted May 10th, 2022 , in Quaker.