I don’t think I ever mentioned that the April issue of Friends Journal is out. There’s a fun article comparing birdwatching to Quaker ministry. That’s the kind of claim that might normally make my eyes roll but the author, Rebecca Heider, makes it work! Also, a great episode of QuakerSpeak this week profiles the Ramallah Friends School and the community’s longterm Quaker witness under successive occupation by Ottoman, British, Lebanese, and now Israeli forces.
I thoroughly enjoyed Gary Shteyngart’s Crying Myself to Sleep on the Biggest Cruise Ship Ever. It’s a joy of self-depreciation, snark, careful observation, wrapped in wonderful writing.
For the second time in ten years I didn’t feel the New Jersey earthquake. No one in my house felt this one, even though people further out from the epicenter did. I was on a rattling train during the 2011 earthquake and walked about ten miles toward home after the system was shut down (but don’t worry, it was a lovely day and I stopped at multiple hipster coffeehouse and even got a haircut in). Clouds held out for this week’s eclipse and the family got a good view.
My meeting hosted a fascinating talk last Sunday on efforts to support restored habitats for clams and oysters in New Jersey estuaries. These mollusks stabilize the shoreline, clean the waters, and make our shores more resilient to both climate change and the naturally sinking South Jersey landmass.