Mid-September Links

September 11, 2023

The Sep­tem­ber episode of Quak­ers Today pod­cast dropped, this time an unusu­al look at whether untruth can some­times be more accu­rate than real­i­ty. Bonus: a Bar­bie tie-in!

Also, a new Quak­er­S­peak inter­view, this time with Carl Blu­men­thal talk­ing and Friends and men­tal health. Carl has writ­ten a his­to­ry on this for the mag­a­zine and I had a low-tech video inter­view with him. 

I can relate to Kath­leen Wooten’s metaphor about search­ing for the per­fect pen­cil that would make her effi­cient enough to do every­thing she want­ed (for what it’s worth, Kath­leen always seems to be accom­plish­ing a lot regard­less of mag­ic tools).

Johan Mau­r­er on the spir­i­tu­al resources and iden­ti­ty that a local Friends meet­ing might expect from a year­ly meeting.

The mas­sive dig­i­tal­iza­tion of old news­pa­pers in recent years has allowed his­to­ri­ans to deter­mine the source of the “Under­ground Rail­road” name. 

One corner of Quaker renewal at 20

September 5, 2023

Twen­ty years ago this week I wrote one of my most wide­ly shared blog posts, “The Younger Evan­gel­i­cals and Quak­er Renewal.” 

I was on fire that sum­mer, mak­ing con­nec­tions with a bub­bling up, grass­roots “emer­gent church” move­ment and find­ing oh-so-many unex­pect­ed sim­i­lar­i­ties between these frus­trat­ed, authenticity-seeking younger Evan­gel­i­cals and my super-Liberal East Coast Quak­er world. A lot of the prob­lems were clear­ly gen­er­a­tional and I was lap­ping up new posts by Cana­di­an blog­ger Jor­dan Coop­er. One day he shared a chart from the­olo­gian Robert E. Web­ber’s new book, The Younger Evan­gel­i­cals: Fac­ing the Chal­lenges of the New World, that showed the “dif­fer­ences between the mod­erns (tra­di­tion­al and prag­mat­ic evan­gel­i­cals) and the post­mod­ern (the younger evan­gel­i­cals).

The chart was like a secret decoder ring for me. Web­ber might have been think­ing of more tra­di­tion­al church­es, but with a lit­tle trans­la­tion it lot of it sure explained a lot of what I was see­ing in Quak­erism. Old­er Friends want­ed youth min­istry that was a “Church-centred pro­gram” while I and my dis­af­fect­ed cohorts want­ed “prayer, Bible study, wor­ship, social action.” Old­er Friends thought of Chris­tian­i­ty as a “ratio­nal world­view” or a form of “ther­a­py” where­as I longed for a “com­mu­ni­ty of faith.”

Not much hap­pened after I clicked post. Face­book and Twit­ter weren’t around to pro­mote it. My blog was more-or-less me talk­ing to myself. But over the course of the next few years peo­ple found it. They must have been ask­ing sim­i­lar ques­tions and see­ing what Google turned up. The com­ments have some future Quak­er blog­gers (was this the first post Chris Mohr found and fan-emailed me about?). Even more remark­able, it includes some very unlike­ly Evan­gel­i­cal Friends, like the then-youth pas­tor at First Friends Can­ton and the then-general sec­re­tary of Iowa Year­ly Meet­ing. At the time I was answer­ing the book­store phone at Friends Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence, the most Lib­er­al insti­tu­tion bas­tion of U.S. Quak­ers. To find com­mon cause across this the­o­log­i­cal spec­trum was quite unusu­al then (and alas, prob­a­bly now).

What’s changed after twen­ty years? Well, after a num­ber of false starts there are pro­grams to train younger Friends and bring them into insti­tu­tion­al Quak­erism (Quak­er Vol­un­tary Ser­vice, Pen­dle Hill’s Con­tin­u­ing Rev­o­lu­tion con­fer­ence, and the 1992-founded Guil­ford Col­lege’s Quak­er Stud­ies Pro­gram deserve spe­cial shoutouts). Blogs and lat­er social media have cre­at­ed forums for dis­parate Friends to talk togeth­er in infor­mal con­ver­sa­tions. I’m con­tin­u­al­ly amazed that Friends Jour­nal mag­a­zine (of which I’m senior edi­tor) and Quak­er­S­peak videos can be accessed any­where with­out pay­wall, mak­ing our sto­ries wide­ly acces­si­ble. But some things haven’t changed. We’ve had rounds of Quak­er schisms, espe­cial­ly in North­west, Indi­ana, and North Car­oli­na Year­ly Meetings. 

And how much has changed for indi­vid­ual young adult Friends? The Sep­tem­ber issue of Friends Jour­nal is devot­ed to younger Friends and one break­out arti­cle is Olivia Chalk­ley’s “Young Adults Want What Ear­ly Friends Had.” Olivia came to Friends as a teen and has had the advan­tages of the new­er youth pro­grams — attend­ing Guil­ford QLSP and work­ing at a Quak­er Vol­un­tary Ser­vice fel­low — yet so much of her arti­cle felt like top­ics I dis­cussed on Quak­er Ranter back before my tem­ples went gray. For example:

We often don’t think about the poten­tial Friends who slip through the cracks because there’s not much to grab hold of: those who don’t know where to turn in the silence, not hav­ing a sol­id foun­da­tion in Scrip­ture, Chris­t­ian ethics and social teach­ings, or even Quak­er his­to­ry; those who feel alien­at­ed by the meet­ings in which Friends cringe if you talk about Jesus Christ, or even about God; and those who sim­ply can’t fig­ure out if we are Chris­t­ian or not, due to mixed mes­sag­ing and lack of con­vic­tion among mem­bers of their meet­ings. These obsta­cles must be rec­og­nized and addressed as part of our efforts to present acces­si­ble path­ways to entry, not only for the young adults hun­gry for reli­gious com­mu­ni­ty but also for the poor and work­ing class­es among which reli­gious belief tends to be high, accord­ing to recent Pew studies.

I guess it’s some progress that this arti­cle is pub­lished by Friends Jour­nal and not sit­ting bare­ly read on a per­son­al blog. But as I look back at this twenty-year anniver­sary I find it a lit­tle sad we’re still strug­gling with iden­ti­ty and mes­sag­ing. Maybe this is a peren­ni­al, never-answerable issue for a denom­i­na­tion, espe­cial­ly one as decen­tral­ized as ours. Or maybe it’s some­thing we can con­tin­ue to fig­ure out. Mid-twentieth cen­tu­ry Friends were able to work out a mod­ern vision of Quak­erism that was pow­er­ful enough to reunite and regal­va­nize a dwin­dling Quak­er move­ment; what would our vision look like?


September 5, 2023

The Black Quak­er Project seems to pub­lish its best stuff on its email list (if you vis­it its home­page you’ll see a form to sign up). This week’s tack­les the uncom­fort­able ques­tion, “Why Are There So Few African Amer­i­can Quak­ers.” They break the answers down into six answers (e.g., “Skep­ti­cism of Non-Violence” and “Dis­sat­is­fac­tion with the Quak­er Process.”)

Fea­tured in Friends Jour­nal, Annie Bing­ham’s Sea­son­al Quak­erism on their life grow­ing up as a Friend and an arti­cle on Quak­er con­flict res­o­lu­tion in K – 12 Schools by staff writer Sharlee DiMenichi.

Indiana and slo-mo realignment

August 31, 2023

Whoa, the part of Indi­ana Year­ly Meet­ing that retained the name after the 2013 schism is leav­ing Friends Unit­ed Meet­ing. At one point Indi­ana was the largest year­ly meet­ing in the world, sec­ond only to Philadel­phia in its influ­ence on Amer­i­can Quak­erism but repeat­ed schisms and depop­u­la­tion of the rur­al Mid­west has hit it hard. 

The 2013 split cre­at­ed two bod­ies: the Evan­gel­i­cals who retained “Indi­ana” as their name and the Lib­er­als who became the New Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends. At the time I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised that both sides remained part of the Friends Unit­ed Meet­ing, the inter­na­tion­al umbrel­la orga­ni­za­tion of what you might call churchy Friends. I thought it might be a sign that we had out­grown the kind of nine­teenth cen­tu­ry atti­tudes that forced every­one pick sides in splits like these. Appar­ent­ly not. 

Some Evan­gel­i­cal Friends have been dream­ing about a “realign­ment” of FUM since the 1980s, a con­cept that would split FUM down the mid­dle between Evan­gel­i­cals and Lib­er­als, push­ing every­one to decide between their respec­tive nation­al con­fer­ences, Evan­gel­i­cal Friends Inter­na­tion­al and Friends Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence respec­tive­ly.1 Some­how FUM’s been able to resist the cen­trifu­gal forces and main­tain a big tent approach that’s frus­trat­ed many2 but some­how held togeth­er. What hap­pens to this bal­ance if the cen­ter of grav­i­ty for FUM Amer­i­can Friends piv­ots more toward its lib­er­al end?

FUM is an inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion and Africa’s the wild card. The largest pop­u­la­tion of Friends are there, with most of its year­ly meet­ings affil­i­at­ed with FUM. Even the decamp­ing Indi­ana Year­ly Meet­ing wants to find an arrange­ment with FUM to keep those ties going (met with guf­faws in some quarters). 

I don’t hear any­one talk­ing about realign­ment much these days. But in the U.S. con­text there’s an increas­ing num­ber of FUM Friends and FGC Friends3 who aren’t so very dif­fer­ent any­more. This pre­sum­ably is Indi­ana YM’s argu­ment for leav­ing, but it’s a chicken-or-egg sce­nario: the result of splits is often that each side shifts to fit the stereo­type the oth­er side accused it of being all along. In the mean­time there are a lot of Friends with deep fam­i­ly and child­hood ties to Indi­ana Year­ly Meet­ing who are griev­ing right now. 

Digitized Massachusetts records a glimpse into the past

August 29, 2023

Quite a task: a group led by his­to­ri­an Thomas Hamm has dig­i­tized old records of Dart­mouth (Mass.) Meet­ing. Vol­un­teer Andrea Mar­covi­ci gives us a taste of just how involved this process could be:

We strug­gled with ‘s’s that looked like ‘f’s, ‘y’es that actu­al­ly were ‘the’s. Cap­i­tal let­ters were more art than stan­dard writ­ing, and tired clerks that would write the first few let­ters of a name and then throw a lit­tle let­ter in the air and fig­ure we would know the rest.  We kept a run­ning list of all that we saw in order to keep a con­sis­tent practice.

Some of the offens­es Dart­mouth Friends were dis­owned for are list­ed. Some seem quite harm­less„ like the broth­ers who were forced to apol­o­gize in 1746 for allow­ing “fid­dling and danc­ing in their Hous­es.” Oth­er offens­es are shock­ing in their cru­el­ty, like Friend Abi­gail Allen, who beat an enslaved African “so unmer­cy­ful­ly” in 1711 that he sub­se­quent­ly died from the wounds. Dis­own­ment was not a life sen­tence: some­one could repent and be let back in. Incred­i­bly, only three years lat­er Abi­gail con­vinced the meet­ing that she was sor­ry for her manslaughter.


August 28, 2023

The FUM email newslet­ter ref­er­enced else­where also has nice pho­tos from memo­r­i­al ser­vices for Eden Grace, a New Eng­land Friend who seemed to effort­less­ly walk between dif­fer­ent fla­vors of Friends, find­ing com­mon­al­i­ty and build­ing con­nec­tions wher­ev­er she went. She is very missed.

In the Philadel­phia Inquir­er, an arti­cle on slave own­ing by Philadel­phia Quak­ers, with sources includ­ing Friends Jour­nal. There’s lot of great links through­out, I’m still mak­ing my way through them. 

On Quak­er­S­peak, a video inter­view of Nic­hole Net­tle­ton, who is a coor­di­na­tor for a sup­port group called Dif­fer­ent­ly Abled Friends and Allies. (I know some folks real­ly don’t like “dif­fer­ent­ly abled” but it’s the name of the group and it’s how Nicole self-identifies in the video.)

And a fas­ci­nat­ing non-Quaker rabbit-hole: a delight­ful­ly obses­sive search for the pur­pose of a seem­ing­ly pur­pose­less pedes­tri­an bridge in Min­neso­ta.

What does it mean to have a measure of the Light?

August 25, 2023

There’s cur­rent­ly a pret­ty inter­est­ing Face­book dis­cus­sion on “mea­sure of light.” Col­lo­qui­al­ly, I’ve heard this phrase used as a way to reas­sure us that we don’t all have to have the same abil­i­ties. We should­n’t be jeal­ous of oth­ers, who might have oth­er tal­ents in the body of Christ. Our goal is to live up to the light of what we’ve each been giv­en as individuals. 

Read­ing Robert Bar­clay, where much of this lan­guage comes from, I’m not sure he would agree: 

By this Seed, Grace, and Word of God, and Light, where­with we say every man is enlight­ened, and hath a mea­sure of it, which strives with them in order to save them, and which may, by the stub­born­ness and wicked­ness of man’s will, be quenched, bruised, wound­ed, pressed down, slain and cru­ci­fied; we under­stand not the prop­er essence and nature of God, pre­cise­ly tak­en, which is not divis­i­ble into parts and mea­sures, as being a most pure, sim­ple being, void of all com­po­si­tion or divi­sion, and there­fore can nei­ther be resist­ed, hurt, wound­ed, cru­ci­fied, or slain by all the efforts and strength of men.

An Apol­o­gy for the True Chris­t­ian Divin­i­ty. Robert Bar­clay, 1678

He’s pret­ty clear that the light is indi­vis­i­ble so I don’t see how it could be more or less with­in any of us or change over time (though cer­tain­ly our aware­ness of it can be strength­ened as we progress spir­i­tu­al­ly). And for him, and all ear­ly Quak­ers, the Light was very def­i­nite­ly God work­ing with­in us. Nowa­days it’s more com­mon for Lib­er­al Friends to think of it as a kind of spir­i­tu­al conscience.

I myself wouldn’t want to get into decid­ing who has what abil­i­ty. Maybe tal­ents is a bet­ter way of think­ing about it. Like, in my human­ness I may get jeal­ous that some­one gives real­ly good min­istry in wor­ship. But maybe that’s not my gift. There are some peo­ple I’ve met who are always extreme­ly thought­ful of oth­ers. And oth­ers who are real­ly good at cen­ter­ing a group down in wor­ship. I have friends who are always great about get­ting to know every­one in their lives. We can aspire to be bet­ter in all these things but there are peo­ple who seem more nat­u­ral­ly suit­ed to this. So we should try to live up to our mea­sure in our spir­i­tu­al lives but not feel bad about our­selves if oth­ers are able to do cer­tain things effortlessly.

Two social networks?

August 24, 2023

I recent­ly read an opin­ion­at­ed bit of advice that has stuck with me: it was that con­tent cre­ators should focus their atten­tion on only two social net­works. It’s felt wise, espe­cial­ly in this odd moment in which Twit­ter has implod­ed and we have a pro­lif­er­a­tion of ser­vices hop­ing to suc­ceed it in it’s role as “town square.” Ten years ago if I had some­thing to share I would post it to both Twit­ter and Face­book. Now there’s just too many con­tenders; I’d spend half an hour post­ing any link.

So what would my two be? This Quak­er­Ran­ter newsletter/blog should be one. It’s a place to share ideas unfil­tered by Sil­i­con Val­ley algo­rithms.  But the sec­ond? Is Face­book still the place where enough peo­ple con­gre­gate to make it essen­tial despite its many draw­backs? Red­dit is still inter­est­ing despite some recent con­tro­ver­sial moves by its owners. 

A third place might be Quak­erQuak­er. Update: I’ve moved the domain name to a new serv­er, which means there’s actu­al­ly a “site under con­struc­tion” notice. The archives will be next.