Opening up the QuakerQuaker listings

Every­one can now add posts to the Quak­erQuak­er cat­e­go­ry list­ings. Sim­ply book­mark the post in Del​.icio​.us, list the QQ cat­e­gories and it will be added to the page.
For exam­ple, say you’ve seen just the coolest post on Con­ver­gent Friends. Go to the “Con­ver­gent Friends”: page to find the right “tag” – in this case “quaker.convergent”. Book­mark the post you like, write a title and descrip­tion and list “quaker.convergent” as its tag. An hour or so lat­er the post will show up on the Con­ver­gent Friends page. How cool is that? Here are “instruc­tion on how to use Del​.icio​.us and title pages”:

The Quak­erQuak­er home­page is still being edit­ed exclu­sive­ly by the QQ team. But I am watch­ing the cat­e­go­ry pages and if a cat­e­go­ry post is on top­ic I’ll prob­a­bly add it to the main QQ list­ing. If I notice that some­one is con­sis­tent­ly find­ing and adding great posts I might just invite them on the team!
I’m hop­ing the cat­e­go­ry pages will expand and become more use­ful. If you have a par­tic­u­lar con­cern for the Soci­ety of Friends, then please add posts to the appro­pri­ate section.
Please don’t try to abuse the sys­tem – don’t post to more than one or two cat­e­gories at a time and don’t use the descrip­tion sec­tion for edi­to­ri­al­iz­ing. I’m sure there are clever ways to use this new fea­ture to wreak hav­oc. If I see some­one caus­ing trou­ble I might just have to end the exper­i­ment or devel­op a method of block­ing some­one. This has great poten­tial to expand and diver­si­fy the Quak­er blo­gos­phere so let’s not muck it up with silliness.
Let me know how it works! And if you appre­ci­ate inde­pen­dent Quak­er move­ment orga­niz­ing like this, “please donate”: The serv­er bill is due again, the cof­fers are emp­ty and I’m still unemployed.

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