Really excited to see my friend Patricia Dallmann’s new book is available! It’s called The Light That Is Given. I read a pre-publication PDF version and was asked by the publisher to give a blurb. Here’s what I wrote:
Patricia Dallmann brings a modern prophetic voice to Scripture and ancient Friends’ texts. She carefully examines the language of these stories and brings new life to their teachings, but this is no exercise in mimicry. Dallmann shares her own experiences and shows us how traditional Quaker beliefs have guided her. This is an invaluable resource for those wanting to explore how traditional Friends’ faith and practice can be lived out by spiritual seekers today.
I see from Amazon that Douglas Gwyn and Stuart Masters gave even better blurbs so I’m in good company!
It’s a great summer for traditional Quaker books, with this and Christopher Stern’s new memoir. I wasn’t able to make his book talk at the FGC Gathering last week but hope to catch up on it. I did finally pick up a copy of 2015’s Traditional Quaker Christianity to add to my list of books I really really want to read. This week I finished Jean Soderlund’s Lenape Country: Delaware Valley Society Before William Penn, which distills a lot of the myths of Penn and Quakers (she’ll have an article on some of this in the August issue of FJ!).
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