New Book: Who Turned on the Light?

Con­grat­u­la­tions to my friend Chris Stern, whose mem­oir is final­ly avail­able. From the description:

Find­ing and pay­ing atten­tion to the Inner Voice of Love, he demon­strates how this jour­ney has led him to look at the world and those around him dif­fer­ent­ly, with more com­pas­sion and com­mon­al­i­ty. Christo­pher points us toward ways to over­come the divi­sions and hurts that divide us and to find a prac­ti­cal every­day faith that can help us to nav­i­gate a way toward Hope and Healing.

Chris has writ­ten many times for Friends Jour­nal. He has a great Quak­er­S­peak video about under­stand­ing Quak­er faith through George Fox’s Jour­nal. He also came to my meet­ing last year to talk about the cen­ter of Quak­er faith. He plans on hav­ing a live author talk Thurs­day at this year’s FGC Gath­er­ing (July 4).

Posted June 11th, 2024 , in Quaker.

One thought on “New Book: Who Turned on the Light?

  1. Bless­ings Chrstopger is Miri­am Kisia
    I can­not get your book ‘who turned on the light” on ama­zon get me a copy

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