Upcoming Conservative and blog travels

My F/f Thomas T emailed me about the Blog­philadel­phia hap­pen­ing next month in down­town Philly. It sounds like it could be sil­ly and inter­est­ing at the same time so I’ve signed up.

Per­son­al stalk­ers mak­ing sum­mer plans should keep mid-August open. It looks like my blog/IM/Twitter/Facebook bud­dy C Wess Daniels and I are going to add yet anoth­er social media to our reper­toire and actu­al­ly meet face to face as co-presenters for an evening event at Ohio Year­ly Meet­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive. Along with Ohio’s David Male we’ll be bang­ing on that ever-popular “Con­ver­gent Friends” drum. I’m not sure I’ve ever actu­al­ly giv­en my two cents on the term and the phe­nom. I’ll prob­a­bly post about it in the lead up to the August event as a kind of prepa­ra­tion. Any­one with­in road-trip dis­tance of Bar­nesville is invit­ed to come over Fri­day evening the 17th to hear the talk.

And speak­ing of Con­ser­v­a­tive Friends, every­one should check out the great newish web­site called The Con­ser­v­a­tive Friend, an unof­fi­cial out­reach ini­tia­tive of Ohio Year­ly Meet­ing. It’s sim­ple but attrac­tive, walks that fine line between truth telling and humil­i­ty with grace and has a won­der­ful sense of humor and self-awareness that sneaks up on you as you read through. Now who knew Ohio Con­ser­v­a­tives had a sense of humor? Seri­ous­ly, it’s real­ly nice work.

I’ll be miss­ing the Con­ser­v­a­tive Gath­er­ing of Friends being held in the Lan­cast­er, PA, area next week­end. I’d like to claim that mon­ey and time is keep­ing me from attend­ing but it’s hard to argue that when I drove by its meet­ing site only a few days ago just to look at trains. Well, let’s just say at this moment of life, my spir­it need­ed fam­i­ly time more than Quak­er gath­er­ing time. I hope it goes well; if any Quak­er­Ran­ter read­ers do attend I’d love to hear their impressions.

2 thoughts on “Upcoming Conservative and blog travels

  1. Mar­tin,
    Thee missed a fine gath­er­ing, and should have no regrets. Fam­i­ly time is precious.
    I need­ed the boost after a long school year, so was blessed and thank­ful, to use anoth­er Friend’s phrase, to be with Friends, vis­it­ing, rest­ing, worshiping.
    I was only there from midafter­noon the 23rd to midafter­noon the 24th, so oth­ers will have to fill in some gaps. I felt very much at home, though I’d pre­vi­ous­ly only met about half of the peo­ple there. There were Friends of all ages present, and con­ver­sa­tions I was involved with includ­ed sim­ple mat­ters of dai­ly liv­ing, catch­ing up with news (career changes, new babies, grad­u­a­tions, pets, etc.), and shar­ing the goings on of our spir­i­tu­al lives.
    Wor­ship was great. There was some silence, some lov­ing exhor­ta­tion, some tes­ti­mo­ny, some singing, and Gospel preach­ing. We enjoyed the Pres­ence of the Lord, and each oth­er. A passer­by joined us, and said that he appre­ci­at­ed the mes­sages giv­en. He also offered his tes­ti­mo­ny, which was a blessing.
    It was for me a time of refreshment.
    It’s good to hear C. Wess and thee plan to be in Ohio. If all goes as planned, I will see you there.

  2. Hi Raye,
    Thanks for drop­ping by. Yes, I’ve heard some good snip­pets of reports back from Lan­cast­er. Some sur­pris­ing peo­ple seemed to get there. And the youth gath­er­ing in Bar­nesville has also been gen­er­at­ing some inter­est­ing blog chat­ter among younger Friends. I think we’re see­ing a pen­du­lum swing, glo­ry be!
    It would be great to see you again in Bar­nesville. And of course you’ll always be wel­come for a lit­tle ad hoc wor­ship if your trav­els bring you through South Jersey!

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