Making the Quaker World Accessible

I’m excit­ed to see that The Quak­er World is final­ly avail­able as a paper­back at a more afford­able $50. Pub­lished in 2022, this is a rich tome put togeth­er by my friends (and fre­quent Friends Jour­nal col­lab­o­ra­tors) Wess Daniels and Rhi­an­non Grant. Clock­ing in at over 500 pages, there are a lot of great con­trib­u­tors. I’ve been excit­ed about it even though I’ve not been able to read it — the hard­cov­er was $250. Ear­li­er this year I whined about the exor­bi­tant cost of the new Quak­er his­to­ries and am glad that some com­bi­na­tion of prod­ding and eco­nom­ic forces has made this one more acces­si­ble. You can read Windy Cool­er’s FJ review of The Quak­er World and order it from the pub­lish­er.

Posted October 3rd, 2024 , in Quaker.