Doctrinal purity and a new podcast ep

The July Quak­ers Today pod­cast came out this week, with inter­views with Johan­na Jack­son and Naveed Moeed and excerpts from a Quak­er­S­peak inter­view with Lar­ry Ingle.

Inter­est­ing take that eigh­teenth cen­tu­ry Friends in Penn­syl­va­nia “elect­ed to dimin­ish their num­bers in fideli­ty to doc­tri­nal puri­ty” by decid­ing on paci­fism dur­ing war. It feels odd to com­pare 18th cen­tu­ry Friends’ deci­sion to drop out of pol­i­tics (also at the same time becom­ing more and more anti­slav­ery) to mod­ern purges like the Mis­souri Syn­od and the SBC. It doesn’t feel at all the same but maybe the exclud­ed Friends of the day expe­ri­enced it that way?