So a curious statistic: so far no one has submitted any articles for the August Friends Journal issue, “Going Viral with Quakerism.” Is this a sign that we’ve all just given up all hope of Quaker spirituality making a difference in the world?
Probably not: there are many issues for which we only get submissions in the last week before deadline (or the week after deadline, which is not to be encouraged). But if you are thinking of writing, or have been meaning to encourage a friend with vision to send us something, then by all means sit down in front of a keyboard.
Also, the issue after that is non-themed. If you’ve ever had any questions for writing a general submission, let me know in the comments or direct message me. I’m writing something about that process this week.
Probably it is more a sign that many of us feel over-extended and don’t feel a leading to take on one more task.