George Lakey’s campaign to prepare nonviolent activists for a possible coup attempt has made New Yorker and Buzzfeed.
In August, Lakey helped form a group called Choose Democracy that has been circulating a pledge committing people to “nonviolently take to the streets if a coup is attempted,” which has more than thirty thousand signatures.
Lizzie Widdicombe’s description of George in the New Yorker inspired a spit-take from me:
Lakey, who has white hair and bushy white eyebrows, is a Quaker, and brings a cheerful, Sunday-school-style delivery to lessons about overthrowing authoritarian regimes.
To get a taste of that delivery, here’s a QuakerSpeak interview from last year:
I wrote about the Choose Democracy project a few weeks ago. Check out their website at choosedemocracy.us
Update: The Boston Globe.
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