Cayahoga Valley Railroad trip, Akron to Peninsula Ohio

Our our way out of Ohio the oth­er week we took a scenic train ride. Kind of fun­ny that the engines and cars both resem­ble cur­rent NJ Tran­sit stock but hey, trains are always fun. A driz­zly day made the two-hour lay­over in the historic-gone-touristy town of Penin­su­la, Ohio rather unpleas­ant (mat­ters weren’t helped that the shoppes were most­ly closed). We final­ly ducked into the love­ly Fish­ers Cafe and had a nice lunch.
Pho­to: Loco­mo­tives sit wait­ing in the Penin­su­la sta­tion. Enlarged pho­to.

Posted August 29th, 2007 , in Uncategorized. Tagged ,