Quaker: As the blog name implies, I am a member of the Religious Society of Friends, known colloquially as Quakers. Many of my blog posts deal with issues of our society and its interactions with the larger world. I’ve been blogging as a Friend since 2003. I read through a lot of Quaker material every day; much of the content on QuakerRanter is a curation of the content that catches my fancy.
Frequent topics of interest: Nonviolence, Media & Tech, Design, Family, South Jersey/Philly, and Photography.
Newsletter Archives:
Every Friday, that week’s posts are collected together into a email newsletter. Here are the most recent editions:
Blog Archives:
2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006 • 2005 • 2004 • 2003 • 2002 • 2001 • 2000 • 1999 • 1998 • 1997 • 1996 • 1995
2024 (60)
- 12/18 : The Quaker Twitter eXodus
- 12/05 : Religious-sounding language
- 12/01 : Hope and Optimism
- 11/19 : The Quaker Witch Trial
- 11/13 : Bluesky Quakers
- 11/12 : The art of the compromise
- 11/06 : We Know
- 11/05 : Miracles with Diane Allen
- 10/22 : A Future Vision of Friends
- 10/10 : Radical Quaker Benjamin Lay
- 10/04 : And Who Are Our Friends?
- 10/03 : Seen
- 09/13 : Nancy Bieber loves her meeting
- 09/06 : FJ looks at Relationships
- 08/05 : Quakers and Gaming
- 07/31 : August Friends Journal
- 07/11 : George Fox was a Coward, Maybe?
- 07/03 : Book Review Editor Search
- 06/11 : Supping with the Spirit
- 06/11 : Meet me at the FGC Gathering
- 06/05 : Back to Jesus
- 06/01 : Quakers’ War Problem
- 05/31 : Deferred Horror Close to Home
- 05/02 : Links
- 04/14 : Links
- 04/11 : Quakers and “the Church”
- 04/06 : Eavesdropping on Ministers
- 04/06 : Prophets and Reconcilers
- 04/06 : Links
- 03/21 : Sources of spiritual power
- 03/20 : Holding in the Light
- 03/13 : Interviewing John Calvi
- 03/12 : Meeting John Woolman
- 03/11 : Links
- 02/08 : The New Quaker Histories
- 02/07 : Quaker dreaming
- 02/01 : Why they left the Quakers
- 01/30 : Thanks!
- 01/30 : Links
2023 (91)
- 12/29 : Faith and Public Ministry
- 12/29 : Year-end list
- 12/14 : Links
- 12/05 : Early December Links
- 12/01 : Public Friends
- 11/27 : It’s‑December Links
- 11/20 : Later November Links
- 11/12 : Moving on, Keeping On
- 11/11 : Mid-November Links
- 11/09 : Mysterious promptings
- 11/09 : Mid-early November Links
- 10/31 : Early November Links
- 10/26 : The Source of Quaker Authority
- 10/24 : Late October Links
- 10/19 : Navigating Hyphenation
- 10/16 : Later October Links
- 10/10 : Mid-October Links
- 10/04 : Traddy Quakers?
- 10/02 : Jesus said he’d show up
- 10/01 : Early October links
- 09/28 : Punk-rock Quakerism?
- 09/24 : What are we waiting for?
- 09/23 : Late September links
- 09/20 : An expected miracle
- 09/20 : QuakerQuaker update
- 09/18 : Later September Links
- 09/11 : The Cycles of War
- 09/11 : Mid-September Links
- 09/05 : Links
- 08/31 : Indiana and slo-mo realignment
- 08/28 : Links
- 08/24 : Two social networks?
- 08/19 : Links
- 08/17 : The Quaker yet to be convinced
- 08/16 : Quakerquaker housekeeping
- 08/15 : Outreach in the real world
- 07/02 : Belong behave believe
- 06/08 : RIP Apollo app
- 05/26 : Functional theology
- 05/08 : The Friendly Mennonite
- 05/05 : Testimonies and scandals
- 04/28 : The Golden Rule comes to Philly
- 04/04 : War and Peace
- 04/01 : Ten Miles Round
- 03/27 : Quakers on Wikipedia
- 03/23 : Remembering Feisty
- 03/06 : Oooh!, a Quaker zine
- 02/14 : Truth and integrity retreat
- 02/04 : The awfulness of ministry
- 02/02 : Finding Our Ways
- 02/02 : Sunsetting My Twitter
- 01/23 : Writing Opp: Quaker Leadership
- 01/06 : Autopsy for Quaker Meetings?
- 01/04 : Updating QuakerQuaker
- 01/04 : Quaker sing song ministry
- 01/03 : Quakers and Reparations
2022 (53)
- 12/23 : Outreachiest Ever Redux
- 12/19 : Caroling at Cropwell
- 12/14 : 25 years
- 12/12 : Making a fetish of silence?
- 12/11 : Ezra Klein on the Quaker Way
- 12/01 : Becoming one in worship
- 11/25 : Quakers on Mastodon
- 11/16 : Quakers Today podcast launched
- 11/09 : QuakerRanter in the Fediverse
- 11/08 : A Mastodon Do-over?
- 11/01 : Quaker Fiction
- 10/21 : Nearly all Friends
- 10/10 : Too much politeness?
- 10/10 : Irish Quaker podcast
- 10/09 : Cool weather
- 10/03 : Worship without walls
- 09/23 : Unbinding the local
- 09/23 : Visiting new meetings online
- 08/07 : The Nearness of God as Spirit
- 07/07 : Mark Russ on vocal ministry
- 05/10 : Quaker Spring 2022
- 04/07 : Bayard Rustin in Friends Journal
- 03/31 : Cesar Chavez Day memories
- 02/25 : War is (still) not the answer
- 02/02 : Quakers, slavery, and sugar
- 01/28 : Back to Fox
2021 (19)
- 10/15 : Speaking to our conditions
- 10/04 : Bogus religion
- 07/08 : The Kingdom of the Heavens
- 06/10 : Fluidity over procedures
- 06/10 : Switching to a weekly format
- 05/13 : Coming to Friends
- 05/13 : A Quaker view of work?
- 03/18 : Who’s the misfit?
- 03/18 : An intro to Barclay’s Apology
2020 (61)
- 10/28 : Gone and back
- 10/21 : Modern-day apocalypticism
- 10/08 : Union win at Brooklyn Friends
- 10/05 : Brooklyn Friends School strike
- 10/04 : Unpleasant teachings
- 09/28 : These most trying of days
- 09/28 : Online Bible series
- 09/28 : Quaker calendar alternatives
- 09/27 : Eldering as a practice
- 08/14 : Dancing the Change
- 07/18 : Living the Quaker life
- 05/12 : Diversity why?
- 05/11 : Sidwell’s Quaker Values
- 04/27 : We Began to Sing
- 04/23 : A wider Quaker fellowship
- 04/18 : Emily Provance on QuakerSpeak
- 04/18 : What can you say?
- 04/08 : Arthur Berk
- 04/03 : Finding a fit among Friends
- 04/02 : A new daily practice
- 03/18 : Love in the Time of Coronavirus
- 02/01 : A Lamb’s War skirmish
- 01/28 : Hurt by the Meeting
- 01/24 : FJ Writing Opp: Thin Spaces
2019 (70)
- 10/31 : Quakers and Christianity
- 10/29 : Everything’s a blog
- 10/25 : Unnamed Quaker Creeds
- 10/21 : FJ Poetry Editor search
- 06/16 : Visiting Petty Island
- 06/10 : Foodways and Folkways
- 05/31 : Twitter thread of the day
- 05/01 : We don’t worship silence
- 04/22 : Jesus the key to my experience
- 04/15 : Are Quakers Christian?
- 04/02 : George Fox Speaking
- 03/28 : Liberty of the Spirit
- 03/22 : “We tried that back in 1937”
- 03/21 : William Penn on community
- 03/07 : A more modern commission
- 03/07 : What Does the Outside Say?
- 03/07 : A bit of racism at Sidwell
- 03/04 : Another Quaker(ish) president?
- 02/13 : Quakerly competition?
- 02/13 : Belonging and difference
- 02/10 : A what-if
- 02/08 : Evangelistic malpractice
- 02/08 : Keeping cradle Quakers
- 02/06 : Poking pigs?
- 01/31 : Polarization
- 01/25 : What is our vocation?
- 01/19 : What is Renewal?
- 01/14 : Life after Death
- 01/11 : Decolonizing Quaker faith
- 01/10 : Lost Bayard Rustin interview
- 01/09 : Top 10 Quakers in fiction
- 01/08 : Help keep the work going!
- 01/04 : Unlocking the commons
- 01/03 : In defense of Quaker media
- 01/03 : Where do we hear God’s voice?
- 01/03 : Trustworthy Friends
- 01/02 : Hey y’all, let’s start a blog!
2018 (257)
- 12/20 : Humor in Religion
- 12/18 : QuakerSpeak Staff Picks
- 12/18 : A Space for Doubt
- 12/13 : A small break
- 11/13 : Mike Shell reviews book reviews
- 11/07 : The gray wave that wasn’t
- 11/02 : Anointing
- 11/01 : The freedom to seek sanctuary
- 10/26 : Being God’s Hands
- 10/26 : Quakerism of the Future
- 10/23 : Redefining rude
- 10/23 : The end of religious liberty?
- 09/28 : Self-reinforcing Cycles
- 08/23 : Isaac Smith: Good soil
- 08/22 : Creeds and stories
- 08/19 : Remembering David McReynolds
- 08/16 : A New Creation Story
- 08/16 : Becoming a Quaker Minister
- 08/15 : Civility Can Be Dangerous
- 08/13 : Is this what people want?
- 08/07 : Apologies…
- 08/02 : Seeking a People
- 07/30 : Alastair McIntosh interviewed
- 07/30 : A New Quakerism
- 07/27 : Quaker Money
- 07/26 : Autopsy of a Deceased Church
- 07/19 : What do Quaker believe anyway?
- 07/16 : Dynamics of Evil
- 06/29 : Red Hens, resistance, and love
- 06/24 : Meeting as Covenant Community
- 06/23 : Review: Sacred Signposts
- 06/22 : Sowing in tears
- 06/22 : Sowing in tears
- 06/22 : Sowing in tears
- 06/19 : Mafias and chaos
- 06/11 : Syncretism and dilution
- 06/08 : Legacy or burden?
- 06/07 : Make Quakerism Militant Again
- 06/01 : Spirit-Led Evangelism
- 06/01 : Spirit-Led Evangelism
- 06/01 : Spirit-Led Evangelism
- 06/01 : Spirit-Led Evangelism
- 06/01 : Spirit-Led Evangelism
- 06/01 : Creativity and the Arts
- 05/31 : Who tells our story
- 05/23 : The Rise of Liberal Quakerism
- 05/22 : Hometown Heroes
- 05/22 : Lifting up the vocabulary
- 05/22 : Our unease with evil
- 05/11 : Making meetings simpler
- 05/11 : Foxy George
- 05/10 : Barking up the family tree
- 05/10 : Photons Don’t Phail
- 05/05 : We don’t need God?
- 04/26 : Reading the Qur’an as a Quaker
- 04/24 : Eternities
- 04/23 : The open (Quaker) web
- 04/23 : Developing a healing ministry
- 04/20 : Regarding Pronouns
- 04/20 : Risking Community
- 04/13 : What might Love do?
- 04/12 : Quaker Jazz
- 04/11 : Does this need to be said?
- 04/10 : Profiting on empire
- 04/06 : Do Friends Query?
- 04/05 : None of us is a volunteer
- 04/05 : Quakers shake things up
- 04/04 : Sowing seeds
- 04/04 : Whassup Quaker Internet?
- 04/03 : Belief, Faith, and “That of God”
- 04/03 : Spring and healing
- 03/29 : Quakers and Mental Health
- 03/28 : The Seed as Quaker metaphor
- 03/27 : Hope in the Middle East
- 03/26 : Hitler jokes and Quaker schools
- 03/25 : The New Way
- 03/22 : Quakers in Politics today!
- 03/19 : Mixing Quakers & Politics
- 03/16 : Painting for Worship
- 03/16 : The Art of Persuasion
- 03/15 : Only Quakerism?
- 03/13 : Authentic anecdotes
- 03/12 : A Friend’s journey to BDS
- 03/09 : Your Hand in Front of Your Face
- 03/09 : A chatty email newsletter
- 03/05 : Daily quotes
- 03/02 : The Quaker-Methodist Connection
- 03/01 : Quakers in evolution
- 03/01 : Getting vs. Feeling Better
- 02/27 : Weak politics
- 02/27 : QOTD: Patricia Dallmann
- 02/26 : Breath of the Ancestors
- 02/25 : Living by the Sword
- 02/25 : The new traveling ministries
- 02/24 : Can Quakerism Survive?
- 02/21 : Talkative Friends
- 02/21 : Long shadows
- 02/21 : Fiery Feeds 2 review
- 02/14 : Weymouth NJ Church
2017 (30)
- 11/04 : November Flashbacks
- 11/01 : Essential Mac Apps 2017
- 10/11 : The lost A List
- 08/11 : Quakers acting badly
- 07/05 : Chris Christie, meme muse
- 07/05 : Hammonton 2017 Fourth of July
- 05/03 : Nancy’s Secret Garden
- 04/29 : Tybee Island Light
- 04/29 : Oatland Island near Savannah
- 04/24 : In praise of an editor past
- 04/24 : I sense a metaphor
- 04/20 : The bandwidth of memories
- 04/20 : Bridge view
- 04/20 : TIME/PARK
- 04/20 : Underground
- 03/22 : The Quaker Art of Dying?
- 03/17 : Black with a capital B
- 02/23 : The Quaker Ecosystem
- 01/31 : Shock and awe and pushback
- 01/20 : Mixing it up
- 01/03 : Quaker news editor needed
2016 (61)
- 12/15 : Windows
- 12/01 : Friends on Giving
- 12/01 : Chatting with Greg Woods
- 11/17 : Fake News and Clickbait
- 11/15 : New from Neil Young
- 11/15 : Trying out Google PhotoScan
- 11/12 : Seeing how it goes
- 11/12 : Jobs disappearing thread
- 11/11 : You want it darker
- 11/10 : 80s Flashback Time
- 11/10 : Shitty jobs that don’t exist
- 11/09 : The Messy Work Begins
- 11/09 : Waking up to President Trump
- 10/23 : Ephrata Cloister
- 10/22 : Train passing the farm
- 10/20 : Night on the farm
- 10/17 : Lighthouse Challenge 2016
- 10/16 : Sea Girt Lighthouse
- 10/07 : City Hall morning
- 09/10 : QuakerQuaker on the move
- 08/09 : Comcastic legacy
- 07/06 : Who wore it better?
- 06/29 : The Quaker Wars?
- 06/20 : Indigo Girls in Ocean City NJ
- 06/13 : Love will win
- 06/11 : A choir of toads
- 05/31 : Share if you remember these!
- 05/31 : Bike to Work 2016
- 05/12 : Delayed readership
- 05/09 : Mothers Day 2016 L‑O‑V‑E
- 03/23 : Drinking profits
- 03/06 : Bleak Batsto day
- 03/04 : The birth of soul
- 02/19 : Hashtagging politics
2015 (43)
- 11/18 : Going lefty
- 10/14 : Toynbee Tile “Stickman”
- 10/10 : Smiling Laura and Theo
- 09/09 : Unlikely collaborators
- 09/02 : Autism, anxiety, and bullies
- 09/01 : Video: Quaker Myths Busted
- 08/15 : Saying goodbye to Mom
- 07/24 : Up Into The Cherry Tree
- 07/22 : Liz (Betsy) Klein(top) aka Mom
- 06/24 : Storm clouds over Hammonton
- 06/20 : Camp Acagisca
- 06/12 : Hammonton Food Trucks
- 05/31 : Crows Woods in Haddonfield NJ
- 05/20 : Atlantic City Aquarium visit
- 05/10 : Mothers Day 2015 art project
- 03/26 : 1920s Quaker Youth Caravan
- 03/13 : Taxes then and now
- 03/12 : Are you an enthusiast?
- 03/10 : Remembering Juanita Nelson
2014 (10)
- 09/01 : Three-fort touring
2013 (42)
- 12/28 : The QuakerRanter Top-Five
- 12/26 : Peace on Earth from 1939
- 12/26 : Bono’s Christianity
- 11/25 : Nostalgia comes early
- 10/14 : Wikifying Our Blogging
- 09/29 : Rethinking Blogs
- 07/31 : Desert temptations
- 07/16 : Festival time in Hammonton
- 07/16 : Georges And Trayvons
- 07/16 : Retooling after Google Reader
- 06/24 : Summer project: making Goop!
- 06/18 : Colorful Quakers
- 06/13 : Trying out iOS 7
- 05/14 : A modern-day Commonplace Book?
- 03/04 : Story: The teapot that survived
- 02/05 : Nostra Maxima Culpa
- 01/16 : Tom Heiland
- 01/09 : Something afoot circa 2004
2012 (50)
- 11/26 : Make a buck, make a buck
- 11/19 : A social media snapshot
- 11/15 : Fifteen years of blogging
- 09/17 : Plain like Barack
- 09/04 : Cirque in A.C.
- 07/20 : Of violence and mental snaps
- 07/12 : “Nostromo” by Joseph Conrad
- 07/11 : In defense of worship spaces
- 07/09 : Torching Meetinghouses Ctd.
- 07/07 : Is dairy overrated?
- 05/29 : Interviewing Doug Bennett
- 05/15 : Must Facebook own everything?
- 05/06 : Laura on a day in May
- 04/09 : Outreach as Retention
- 03/04 : Syrup that Masks the Salt
- 02/26 : Another Saturday at St Nick’s
- 02/01 : An Atsion Walkabout
- 02/01 : Reblogging
- 01/23 : Laura’s first half day
2011 (124)
- 12/10 : This is pretty messed up
- 11/08 : A Friends Journal page on G+
- 11/08 : I thought I’d try an experiment
- 10/31 : Trick-or-Treat
- 07/24 : 7/24/11
- 07/12 : “Group 9 art!!!!” by Theo
- 07/12 : Mystery
- 07/11 : Hello again world
- 07/11 : Hello world.
- 07/11 : Doh!
- 07/10 : So here’s a G+ question
- 07/09 : One writer’s take on G+ via +N
- 07/09 : Profile Pics
- 07/08 : Update your atlases
- 07/08 : PicPlz being sold off
- 07/06 : Wow and now FB has video chat
- 07/05 : Hello WaveBuzzPlus
- 04/20 : Bible Illiterate No More
- 03/15 : Tract Association of Friends
- 02/23 : Places like St Mary’s
- 02/03 : Opening Doors and Moving on Up
- 02/02 : Gregory Gets Baptized
2010 (34)
- 12/15 : Catherine Lockwood MFT
- 12/04 : Unlikely Messengers
- 11/19 : Easy Prey
- 10/19 : Unpresenting workshop style
- 10/03 : That of God via William Penn
- 04/13 : Facebook consulting explained
- 04/12 : Quakermaps: DIY Friends FTW!
- 03/29 :
- 03/29 : Bradley J Winkler LLC
- 03/03 : Blogging for the Kingdom
- 01/28 : Dusting off the Elders of Balby
- 01/19 : QuakerQuakers in the World
- 01/13 : Philadelphia Metropolis
- 01/09 : Remembering George Willoughby
2009 (44)
- 12/22 : Online Quaker classes
- 12/03 : Mike’s Precision Carpentry
- 11/03 : Gossip and ownward spirals
- 10/19 : The Limits of the Real Time Web
- 09/12 : FWCC Google Maps Mashup
- 08/26 : Hanging with the high schoolers
- 07/31 : Free as in Friend
- 07/28 : Cornerstone Fellowship
- 07/28 : Alliance Cemetery
- 05/30 : Quaker Quote of the Day
- 05/05 : Nonprofits and Social Media
- 04/22 : Torture for Ideology
- 03/25 : Haverford Friends Meeting
- 02/19 : Margaret Fell’s Red Dress
- 02/13 : Shifting permanence
- 01/28 : Web 2.0 and Friends Schools
- 01/03 : Advice to a new blogger
2008 (67)
- 12/15 : True confessions
- 11/25 : Friends Council Social Network
- 11/10 : Kindley Law
- 10/30 :
- 10/21 : Invisible Quaker Misfits
- 10/15 : Mixing Quakers and Politics?
- 10/08 : Same as it ever was
- 09/14 : The Not-Quite-So Young Quakers
- 09/11 : Reposting: Horror
- 09/04 : Holiness and Quakerism
- 08/06 : Theo and Francis play lifeguard
- 07/16 : The Andrew Walton Idiot Defense
- 07/07 : Conferences and videos
- 07/03 : Couch talk w/Martin & Theo
- 07/02 : The long life of 1950s sci-fi
- 07/01 : Superstar? Aw shucks!
- 06/28 : Bike ride to Pleasant Mills
- 05/31 : The bishop gets THAT LOOK
- 05/18 : Media Pages
- 05/18 : Health E Retailers
- 05/06 : Save St Mary’s Malaga
- 05/06 :
- 05/05 : Doing it Twitter style
- 05/05 : Save St. Mary’s
- 04/26 : Floating on Clouds
- 03/28 : Woodstown Walkabout
- 03/25 : Nemos Aquarium
- 03/23 : Abandoned school?
- 03/12 : The scent of communal religion
- 02/22 : Finally, some real snow!
- 02/01 : Offers not refused
- 01/10 : Nick Watts, Piano Instructor
- 01/01 : But of course some photos.…
2007 (77)
- 12/03 : Sights around the house
- 11/28 : No pictures please
- 11/23 : Focused blogs and side trips
- 11/12 : Flowers and Friends
- 10/29 : An Autumnal Halloween
- 10/26 : Butterfly Love
- 10/25 : Site update
- 09/30 : The ascent of Apple Pie Hill
- 09/28 : Banking on reputations
- 09/06 : The Quaker time capsule
- 08/31 : Partytime prep
- 08/29 : Francis turns two
- 08/29 : Yummy eats en route to Ohio
- 08/29 : The Young Conservative
- 07/13 : Julie’s church in the news
- 06/28 : A Quaker model for emergence?
- 06/22 :
- 06/19 : Lead-painted toys? Aye-Yeash!
- 06/14 : Some gratuitious family pics
- 06/06 :
- 06/01 : I too can buy kid clothes!
- 05/30 : On shoestrings and keepin’ on
- 05/07 : Movable Type and RTL languages
- 05/02 : TV love songs
- 04/18 :
- 04/16 : On pricing philosophy
- 04/09 : Hey who am I to decide anything
- 03/10 : Call off the search parties
- 03/09 : If I don’t make it back.…
- 02/12 : Pete Seeger gets YouTubed
- 01/22 : SEO Myths I: Analyze This
- 01/20 : Blogging for the Long Tail
- 01/20 : Stepping up to the challenge
- 01/16 : Warriors against the War
- 01/11 : Making the list
- 01/09 : QuakerQuaker Toolbar
- 01/05 : Betsy Cazden’s new site
- 01/05 : For every parent…
- 01/01 : Another milestone
2006 (39)
- 12/05 : Vacation from reality
- 10/13 : The new aggregators
- 10/05 : Teaching Quakerism again
- 09/02 : Munching on the wheat
- 09/01 : I am the King of Folksonomy
- 08/30 : Site redesign
- 08/22 : Making New Factions
- 08/11 : The Wonders of RSS feeds
- 08/10 : Forsaking Diplomacy
- 07/04 : Turning workshops into worship
- 06/23 : Heading out for Tacoma
- 05/18 :
- 04/18 : Visiting a Quaker School
- 03/17 : Call for Tom Fox memorials
- 03/11 : A time of sadness and prayer
- 03/10 :
2005 (66)
- 12/29 : Spying in times of terror
- 12/22 : Random updates
- 12/02 : It’s witness time
- 10/18 : Quaker Blog Watch by email
- 10/11 : Of Floods and Prophets
- 09/12 : Trip to the Blue Hole
- 07/01 : Strangers to the Covenant
- 06/21 : Excitement outside fgc
- 06/21 : Biodemocracy Protests
- 06/17 : The Early Blogging Days
- 06/16 : Aggregating our Webs
- 06/16 : Plain Quaker Nurse-In
- 06/01 : Deep Throat Gargles Up
- 05/26 : Quaker Map Hack
- 05/23 : Is it getting warmer in here?
- 05/02 : Net Sightings
- 04/18 : The Loss of a Faithful Servant
- 04/07 : James R: I Am What I Am
- 04/01 : Vision for an online magazine
- 03/22 : A Simple Testimony
- 03/16 : MoveOn at peace with War?
- 03/09 : Uh-Oh: Beppe’s Doubts
- 03/08 : Bulldozing the U.N.
- 03/05 : Lebanon and Syria
- 03/03 : On Dressing Plain
- 03/01 : Learning about Youth & Religion
- 02/25 : Quaker Ranter Reader
- 01/29 : FGC Gathering Workshop
2004 (73)
- 12/30 : Grief at the Asian Tragedies
- 12/06 : Seattle Five Years Later
- 11/23 : Selling Quakerism to The Kids
- 11/22 : New Pacifist Introductions
- 11/03 : All of Our Hands
- 10/15 : Quaker Testimonies
- 10/13 : FBI Cracking Down on Indymedia?
- 10/12 : Donation Appeal
- 10/02 : Vanity Googling of Causes
- 09/11 : Refusing to Get Political
- 09/08 : Vote for War (Or Else)
- 08/10 : Quakerism 101
- 08/09 : Quaker Youth Ministry
- 07/20 : War is Just Another Racket
- 07/03 : Plain Quaker Dressing at FGC
- 04/15 : War Tax Resistance overview
- 04/07 : Plain Dress – Some Reflections
- 03/25 : Yearly Meeting Blues
- 03/25 : Who Was Yassin?
- 03/11 : More Terror
- 03/05 : Sodium-Free Friends
- 02/12 : FGC on Quaker Religious Ed
- 02/12 : Walking the Walk
- 01/29 : Watergate Web-Style
- 01/14 : Quakers & Anabaptists
2003 (87)
- 12/31 : Arnold: Losing Our Religion
- 12/08 : Zunes on the Geneva Initiative
- 12/08 : Horses on a Trot?
- 12/07 : Google can’t be wrong
- 11/26 : Signs of Hope
- 11/21 : WRL Current Commentary
- 11/16 : Are Catholics More Quaker?
- 11/12 : Dead Horses
- 11/12 : Recycling Dead Horses
- 11/09 : What I Want For Christmas
- 10/29 : Shouting for Attention
- 10/28 : Attacks a sign of our success
- 10/27 : North by Northwest
- 10/17 : Peace and Twenty-Somethings
- 10/13 : Jesus goes Lo-Fi
- 09/30 : The Lost Quaker Generation
- 09/11 : Big Lies & Mass Hysteria
- 08/25 : Pacifism and the Congo Dilemma
- 08/22 : Insuring Violence Never ends
- 08/22 : Almost Famous
- 08/14 : Duck Rogers Gamma Ray Bombs
- 08/06 : Fifty-eight Years of WMDs
- 08/01 : “Voices” Confessions Ignored?
- 07/29 : Psychic Terror Network
- 07/29 : Betting on Terror
- 07/28 : Friends Media Project
- 07/28 : Lesson on Internet-time scoops
- 07/20 : syndicated
- 07/17 : Army of None
- 07/17 : Army of None
- 07/15 : “Darn Good Intelligence”
- 07/15 : The Bean Defense
- 07/13 : Twenty Lies About the War
- 07/02 : Shameless fundraising plug
- 06/21 : The Selling of the Iraq War
- 05/31 : War in the Congo
- 05/31 : The Peace Movement Between Wars
- 01/23 : Tough Time to Love War(Making)
2002 (3)
- 08/20 : My Experiments with Plainness
- 03/12 : Dick Cheney’s Rambo Complex
2001 (3)
- 07/30 : Resources on Quaker Plain Dress
2000 (1)
1999 (3)
- 05/27 : The Real Phantom Menace is Us
1998 (9)
- 12/19 : Why We Mourn and Protest
- 06/05 : Two More Nuclear Cowboys
1997 (6)
- 12/25 : Countdown to Millennium-ism
- 01/28 : Burnished Polaroids
1996 (2)
- 12/20 : 1996 Bookmarks
- 12/20 : Anna Maria’s Advice to Lovers
1995 (3)
- 08/06 : The Revolution will be Online