Julie’s church in the news

The Philadel­phia Inquir­er wrote an arti­cle on Julie’s tra­di­tion­al­ist Catholic church this week and even pro­duced a video that gives you a feel of the wor­ship. Because of the two lit­tle ones we try to alter­nate between her church and Friends meet­ing on First Day morn­ings (though my crazy work sched­ule over the past few months have pre­clud­ed even this). I’m in no dan­ger of becom­ing the “Catholic Ranter” any­time soon (sor­ry Julie!) but I do appre­ci­ate the rev­er­ence and sense of pur­pose which Mater Ecclessians bring to wor­ship and even I have cul­ture shock when I go to a norvus ordo mass these days. Com­men­tary on the Inquir­er piece cour­tesy Father Zuhls­dorf. That blog and the Closed Cafe­te­ria are favorites around here. Here’s a few pic­tures of us at the church fol­low­ing baptisms.

PS: I wish the Catholic Church as a whole were more open-minded when it comes to LGBT issues. That said, the ser­mons on the issue I’ve heard at Mater Eccle­si­ae have gone out of their way to empha­size char­i­ty. That said, I’ve occa­sion­al­ly heard some under the breath com­ments by parish­ioners that weren’t so char­i­ta­ble. Yet anoth­er rea­son to stay the Quak­er Ranter.

14,126 thoughts on “Julie’s church in the news

  1. And here is Father’s lit­tle com­men­tary on the day at Mater Ecclesiae:
    It’s neat to see his expe­ri­ence of the walls near­ly burst­ing in mass from the vig­or­ous singing and fight­ing back tears were the same as mine. There was such hap­pi­ness there…truly an amaz­ing mass. God has tru­ly blessed us.
    (And here’s a link about a young cou­ple – who appar­ent­ly now attend my church – who opt­ed to be mar­ried in the tra­di­tion­al Roman Rite in Atlantic City. Fr. Bar­tolo­ma offi­ci­at­ed. You’ll see him in the video. He’s the short, young priest. link: http://​www​.pres​so​fat​lantic​c​i​ty​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​l​o​c​a​l​/​a​t​l​a​n​t​i​c​/​s​t​o​r​y​/​7​4​9​0​5​1​3​p​-​7​3​8​6​1​5​0​c​.​h​tml)

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