Radical Quaker Benjamin Lay

I don’t share every new Quak­er­S­peak video (you can sub­scribe on the web­site or direct­ly on its YouTube chan­nel). But this new one on Quak­er rabble-rouser and abo­li­tion­ist Ben­jamin Lay is par­tic­u­lar­ly well-done. Its base is an inter­view with Mar­cus Redik­er, the his­to­ri­an who has done more than any­one to pop­u­lar­ize the seventeenth-century Friend. But it also splices in cool ani­ma­tions and inter­views with some mod­ern Friends. It came out real­ly well. Con­grats to Christo­pher Cuthrell.

Posted October 10th, 2024 , in Quaker.