Swinging off the gallows and into the Glory

January 5, 2004

Oh my gosh, TheOoze has an amaz­ing arti­cle on called “Ortho­dox Twenty-Somethings” (a review of “The New Faith­ful” and “The Younger Evan­gel­i­cals”, a great book I’ve rec­om­mend­ed. Read this arti­cle if you want to under­stand why Julie’s at a tra­di­tion­al Catholic Church and why I’m plain dress­ing. This is a bona fide phe­nom­e­non, folks.

None of this is sup­posed to be hap­pen­ing because it’s not the project for which two gen­er­a­tions of Protes­tant and Catholic cler­gy have worked… The push for rel­a­tivist moral teach­ing, “sim­pli­fied” wor­ship, inter­change­able sex roles, and an utter sep­a­ra­tion of pri­vate belief from polit­i­cal expres­sion has come from the pul­pit as read­i­ly as it has been demand­ed by pseudo-intellectual elites. But against all odds, por­tions of a mod­ern Amer­i­can soci­ety, which groans to find itself sec­u­lar­ist, is return­ing in a qui­et rev­o­lu­tion to the fun­da­men­tal truths of the Chris­t­ian religion.

Mean­while, no one should miss Melyn­da Huskey’s won­der­ful rant in the com­ments of my “Beyond Major­i­ty Rule” review. Warn­ing: it skew­ers a beloved Quak­er institution!

Or maybe it was just the gen­er­al whiff of the tomb – a real­ly old tomb, all scent of decay long gone, and noth­ing left but dust and dead air. No Quak­ers here, pal. No George Fox rebuk­ing priests from the next aisle. No Isaac Pen­ning­ton seiz­ing the moment of the Restora­tion to make Quak­ers as unpop­u­lar with the King and Court as they had been with the Pro­tec­tor and the Com­mon­wealth. No Mary Dyer ready to swing off the gal­lows and into Glo­ry for the sake of Light.